
RC Detailing

RC Detailing

Website's breadcrumb

DMA Approach

As engineers we are nuts and bolts people – we need to know how things work not only in principle but also in their finer details. We need to know how things are assembled, what they are assembled by and how we can achieve efficiencies.

Reinforcing structural elements is a structural engineer’s nuts and bolts. RC detailing is an essential part of the design which has implications on the constructability and costs on site. For this task we utilise only civil and structural engineers who have a sound understanding of the structure.

UK & Ireland

With our structural engineers trained in-house of multinational consultancies in London and Dublin they brought in the technical knowledge required to set the standard of our RC detailing services, tailored to the UK and Irish markets. We detail in accordance to Eurocode 2 and British Standards.


RC Drawings Completed
Tonnes of Rebar Scheduled
Buildings RC Detailed

DMA Benefits

Quality Assurance

Our thorough QA and checking procedures eliminate errors and reduce unnecessary correspondence with clients. In addition to our QA process we can also adopt any of our clients’ procedures.

Time Zone
(GMT +2)

Our time zone enables us to be highly responsive with our clients. The 2 hour lead enables to be well progressed on our clients’ projects before they commence work.


By using CADS RC we minimise scheduling time and errors. Our ability to use various BIM Software helps us to understand complex geometries.

Flexible Competitive Pricing

Our clients prefer to work per project and on a fixed budget, but our pricing is flexible and can be per project, per sheet or per hour.

RC Detailing

Our Projects